I wrote this on the 15th Sep, the night before the R&D session, but didn't manage to publish it due to an error on my blogger app:
R&D time is almost here - just one more sleep. I've been working intensively over the last 2-3 weeks to develop the script and the music. I've been making little videos, but haven't had time to edit them and post them online yet.
There have been some very frustrating technical setbacks, but as of yesterday it looks (touch wood) like these are sorted. It was a blow to not get the Arts Council funding, but I'm determined to press on regardless - albeit with fewer resources.
Earlier today I packed my rucksack with the laptop and tech stuff for the coming week. It's the heaviest it's ever been, and I'll also have a small amp, my handbag, and my lunch to carry. That's actually me travelling light for this project - there are so many more things I could have packed that might have been useful.
This is the first time I've done an official R&D week - as opposed to just begging, borrowing and stealing rehearsal space to figure stuff out. I guess it's not that different, other than being solo (for the first few days) and having to stick to prescribed times. I wonder what happens if I'm ill? As a person with Crohn's and mental health difficulties, it's always a possibility. Cross that bridge if I come to it. I've been having weird (horrible) dreams lately related to the project. Hope it doesn't happen again tonight.
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