...I dipped into various BDO booklets, but found it hard to keep track of what I had and hadn't read. This is partly a technology problem. When you read a PDF, there's no way to place a 'bookmark'. This means that when you open the PDF next time, it opens from the beginning and you don't know where to continue from.
I've since found a setting in Adobe Reader that, when ticked, opens the PDF from the last read location. I don't know why it isn't automatically ticked as that would have been very helpful.
The other issue is my memory. I have ADHD and discalculia, which means (among other things) I just don't remember stuff. So when I got to the part about memorising an entire story, I panicked and skipped ahead. I will admit that my focus has also been elsewhere since then.
In June, I opened an Etsy shop selling handmade items for Pagans, Druids, Wiccans, etc. Mostly this is things that I've hand-sculpted from clay or wire. So it's not entirely unrelated. However, I've now made the commitment to start re-reading the course materials from the beginning, except for the parts I've journalled about.
During this time I dipped into the following books (I'm making no claim to have read them cover to cover):
- The Awen Alone, by Joanna van der Hoeven
- Green Witchcraft, by Paige Vanderbeck
- God Beside Us: 100 Celtic Prayers, by John Birch
- Scottish Myths and Legends, by Daniel Allison
- Carmina Gadelica, Vol 1, by Alexander Carmichael
- Traditional Witches' Formulary and Potion-Making Guide, by Sophia Digregario
- The Hidden Life of Trees, by Peter Wohlleben
- Runes for Beginners, by Lisa Chamberlain
- The Four Ancient Books of Wales
- A Gnostic Prayer Book, by Surekha Minati Keerthana
- The Interfaith Prayer Book, by Ted Brownstein
- Zen Prayers for Repairing Your Life, by Tai Sheridan
- Sacred Earth Celebrations, by Glennie Kindred
- The Artist's Way, by Julia Cameron
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